Cristo versus Arizona

Author: Camilo José Cela
- Fiction
- Seix Barral
- ISBN: 9789686005516
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Claude Potts

Published one year before Spanish novelist Camilo José Cela received the Nobel Prize in Literature, this lesser known work is set in the gunslinging and lawless desert of Arizona circa 1881. Without employing a single period or delineation of a paragraph, Cela paints a dreary portrait of man’s condition through the uneducated voice of Wendell L. Espana. The novel makes use of a literary style used by Cela known as objectivismo, a kind of documentary realism introduced in earlier masterpieces such as La familia de Pascual Duarte (The Family of Pascual Duarte, 1942) and La colmena (The Hive, 1951).

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