Cinco horas con Mario

Author: Miguel Delibes
- Fiction
- Destino Ediciones 
- ISBN: 9788423335107
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Lluís Agustí

It’s the mid-60’s in Spain, Mario has just died. Menchu, his wife, keeps vigil over the corpse as she recalls in a vibrant and disordered monologue diverse stories and anecdotes of their life in common. From Menchu’s reflections, the figure of Mario takes shape —his way of life, his hobbies, his desires, his ideals which stand in stark contrast to those of Spain during the 25 Years of Peace— as well as her own. This impeccable tapestry of memories has been written in such a way that it has been adapted to theater as a monologue.

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