Cien años de soledad

Author: Gabriel García -Márquez
- Fiction
- Vintage Books USA
- ISBN: 9780307474728
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Yeni Lizarraga

Anyone interested in learning about Latin American culture must read this book, certainly a literary masterpiece. Macondo is the name of the world created by García Marquez which we can compare with many towns around Latin America. The magical realism of his characters makes us feel as if we were members of the Buendía's family. The 1982 novel price winner can make one read this book several times, and there will always be someting new that was overlooked before. The descriptions of feelings of his caracters are detailed to the point that we will love, hate and suffer along with them. CIEN AÑOS DE SOLEDAD is absolutely a must-read book.

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