La vida perra de Juanita Narboni

Author: Ángel Vázquez
- Fiction
- Seix Barral
- ISBN: 9788432232954
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

There was a time during the 20th century in Spain when certain monarchs, dictators, politicians and military officers dreamt of once again gilding coats of arms, some businessmen saw an opportunity, and many Spaniards gave their blood. After the loss of the empire in 1898, the sad 20th century campaigns in Morocco were an attempt to reorganize the dream in African land. After the army came the colonizers in search of hope. A considerable number of Spaniards settled in Tetouan, Larache or Tangier, international city occupied by Franco during the World War II, in this way creating a peculiar culture, apparently Spanish but sharing other indigenous and colonial traits. With the independence of Morocco in 1956 comes the diaspora, the fracture of the dream to which some cling, like Juanita Narboni. The essential novel about Tangier.

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