Sólo cenizas hallarás (bolero)

Author: Pedro Vergés
- Fiction
- Alfaguara
- ISBN: 9789945429336
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

This novel reflects Dominican society in the years following the death of dictator Rafael Trujillo (1961-1962). The characters' lives mirror the great economic and socio-cultural changes the country was undergoing at that time. The phenomenon of immigration to the United States is analyzed through the character of Freddy and Yolanda. Freddy represents the young Dominican who sees immigration as the solution to all his financial troubles. Yolanda represents the young woman without much motivation who returns to live in Santo Domingo (the capital of the Dominican Republic) and who faces the problems of adaptation and acclimatization. Verges presents us with a social novel of daily life in simple language, the language of the barrio, of a people.

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