Por donde sale el sol

Author: Blanca Valdecasas
- Fiction
- Algaida Editores
- ISBN: 9788490674932
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

A man becomes a widower (this is not stated, but one intuits it, since the wife appears at the beginning). They have the perfect marriage, they love and adore each other, they live in Madrid and have 7 children! He is a painter and at that time he finds himself short of ideas and imagination, so they decide to pick up sticks and move to other side of the world, to Chile. The things that happen to them once they arrive in Chile are both comical and sad, but the author describes it all with great affection for her characters and a great sense of humor. I was moved, especially by the descriptions of the Chilean landscape, the very peculiar characters who parade through its pages, and the interior world of the protagonist, who tries to remain sane in the midst of such a large family and adventures in a strange and fascinating land. This is a story filled with tenderness that makes one think about life, about the importance of human relationships, true firendship, and intimacy as an anchor. Little by little, the reader gathers that the wife died in an accident just before they all left Spain, a fact to which the husband cannot resign himself. The language is exquisite and the style impeccable.

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