Ojo por diente

Author: Rubén Bareiro Saguier
- Fiction
- Plaza y Janés
- ISBN: 9788401903205
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

The Paraguayan poet and storyteller Rubén Bareiro offers in this work eleven stories of a social character about the reality as lived in Paraguay. Although this statement may appear superfluous, and perhaps also due to his experiences of persecution and exile, language, the word, assumes pride of place in this book, and in all of Bareiro’s work. In his stories flows his poetry, a poetry expressed both in Spanish and Guarani. The resulting multiplicity of sonorous registries allows the poet to delve deeply into language, into all languages, into the formal beauty of words and images. An author that needs to be rediscovered.

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