Libro del Caballero Zifar

Author: Cristina González
- Fiction
- Ediciones Catedra S.A.
- ISBN: 9788437604343
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

The oldest Spanish romance of chivalry, written between 1299 and 1305. The work is a medley containing adaptations of saints lives, popular tales, adventures of knight errantry, miraculous ocurrences. The knight errantry of Zifar and his sons, and the episode of the Lady in the Lake are conceived in the spirit of Arthurian legends. El Ribaldo, squire to one of Zifar's sons, is a kind of forerunner to Sancho Panza, and introduces a refreshing note of picaresque realism and self-mockery.

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