En el último azul

Author: Carme Riera
- Fiction
- Debolsillo
- ISBN: 9788466334051
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

The Mallorcan writer Carme Riera obtained the National Literature Prize granted annually by the Spanish Ministry of Culture for this novel, one of the best ever written about the crypto-Jews of Spain and about the last great Inquisitorial trials. Set in the 17th century, the novel is based on, sad to say, real events which took place in Palma de Mallorca. A group of xuetes (name by which the descendants of Mallorcan Jews were derisively known) prepares to flee toward Leghorn by sea, with its blue promise of liberty. A novel which depicts the religious intransigence of an era, but which also serves as a reflection on current attitudes. An excellent novel, beautifully written and recently translated into English.

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