Cuentos de Culver City

Author: José Luis Borau
- Fiction
- Pre-Textos
- ISBN: 9788481919530
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: America Reads Spanish

Esteemed film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, critic, and historian with a long list of cinematic credits to his name has made significant scholarly contributions such as Diccionario del cine español (Madrid: Allianza, 2008), Cine español: una crónica visual desde 1896 hasta nuestros días (Barcelona: Lunwerg Editores, 2008), and Cuentos de cine: grandes narradores celebran el primer siglo del cine (Madrid: Santillana, 1996). In recent years, his narrative fiction has begun to get more attention. Loosely based on autobiographical experiences in Los Angeles, California – or the city of broken dreams – Cuentos de Culver City is his latest collection of short stories.

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