Collazos is a novelist, short-story writer, essayist and journalist who was born in Bahía Solano, Colombia in 1942.
The themes of uprootedness and the struggle against familial and political institutions are a constant in his work.
Many of his texts also delve into the conflicts of adolescence, sexual problems, violence, and the phenomenon of rural-to-urban migration.
Employing a prose style that is at times essay-like, Collazos uses the bourgeoisie and the figure of the social climber – who slims down in search of an erotic, playful and political identity – to illustrate the gap separating traditional and modern society.
Collazos’ characters embark on a constant search for freedom, but without ever finding what they are looking for.
His works include El verano también moja las espaldas, Son de máquina, Biografía del desarraigo (1974), A golpes (1974), De un amor a otro mar (1982), Los días de la paciencia (1976) and Jóvenes, pobres amantes(1983).