A Spanish philosopher, writer and editor, Azpeitia was born in Madrid in 1962. He is the author of the novels 'Mesalina' ('Messalina') (1989), 'Quevedo' (1990), 'Hipnos' ('Hypnos') (1996; winner of the Hammett Prize for crime writing and adapted for the cinema by the director David Carreras), 'Ariadna en Naxos' ('Adriadne on Naxos') (2002) and 'Nadie me mata'.
He has also edited a thematic anthology of the poems of Luis de Gongora, Lope de Vega and Francisco de Quevedo, an edition of Pedro Calderon de la Barca’s La vida es sueño and Vidas de santos: Antología del Flos Sanctorum by Pedro de Ribadeneyra.
Azpeitia has worked as an editor at the Lengua de Trapo publishing house since 1998.
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