Carlos Monsivais is a writer and journalist who was born on May 4, 1938 in Mexico City.
Carlos Monsivais is a writer and journalist who was born on May 4, 1938 in Mexico City.
Pablo Neruda, born in Parral, Chile on July 12, 1904, was the pen name of the poet and political activist Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes.
A Spanish writer born in Madrid in 1970, he is the younger brother of Martín Casariego.
Nuria Barrios is a Spanish writer born in Madrid. Her work spans genres, including both fiction and non-fiction. Her poetry collection El hilo de agua won the Premio Ateneo de Sevilla. Among her other works are the short story collections Amores patológicos and El zoo sentimental. (Wilkipedia)
Collazos is a novelist, short-story writer, essayist and journalist who was born in Bahía Solano, Colombia in 1942.