Libranda and Zebralution join forces for the development of Spanish audiobooks

In the height of the audio boom, at a time when the global market is debating the exclusivity of titles on streaming platforms, royalty payments per audio, ..

when international trade fairs such as London and Bologna dedicate important sectors of their programming to audiobooks, and just one day before the celebration of the First Audio Day Parix in Madrid, Libranda-Demarque and Zebralution have announced that they will join forces to contribute to the growth of the audiobook in Spanish.

The audiobook, a format with high penetration in English-speaking countries and especially in the Nordic countries, is beginning to take off in Spanish-speaking countries, with Spain leading the way, where more and more readers are combining reading on paper or digital with audio reading. However, there are still many steps to be taken to consider the audiobook, but not other audio formats such as podcasts, as a fully established format. And not only among readers, also among publishers, especially medium and small publishers who still see this format as something alien to them due to multiple factors.

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