'Nada', by Carmen Laforet, has been chosen as the best Spanish novel of the 20th century

77 years later, the novel 'Nada' by Carmen Laforet stands as the winner in a survey by Internet users of the School of Writers.

The story of Andrea, a young orphan who, just after the Civil War, moves to Barcelona to study and start a new life in a country ravaged by hunger, violence, and hatred, is crowned as the favorite novel of the last century. 'Nada', the first work by Carmen Laforet, has been selected by Internet users as the best Spanish novel of the 20th century in a survey conducted by the School of Writers.

An initiative to boost social networks that has received 2,800 votes, as Germán Solís, from the School, explained to El Confidencial. In the Swiss cafe on the Rambla, on January 6, 1945, Carmen Laforet received what would later become one of the most important prizes in Spanish literature, the Nadal. 77 years later, this time the award has been given by users of social networks.

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