The writer who launched into literature at the age of 73.

Julia Soria debuts with a novel in which she returns to the village where she was born, after many comings and goings around the world.

In 2010 she enrolled in the School of Writing of the Ateneo de Barcelona. And now, at the age of 73, the Alba publishing house has just published her first novel, “Campos azul,” whose protagonist is a woman who returns to the tiny town of Soria where she was born after many comings and goings around the world.

The novel is also that. Not a manifesto against the emptied Spain or a praise of rural life, but "an allegation about memory", as she says on the book jacket. The vindication of a way of living and existing in the world through writing. The story of a woman who returns to her hometown to sell her grandparents' house, which ensues her remembrance of the time she spent with them when she was 12 years old. Her own life turned into literary material.

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