UMA Editorial strengthens ties with Latin America

UMA Editorial works on the publication of various works by female authors from Latin America, whose texts have been awarded the Victoria Kent Prize.

UMA Editorial reinforces its international presence by venturing on the publication of works by Latin American female authors, especially those texts related to gender studies, feminism and in co-editions with various publishers in Latin America.

«There is a special interest and convergence in the co-publishing of gender studies topics. The roots of this interest can be found in the Atenea collection, which began in 1988, and the Victoria Kent International Prize, which began in 1989. The collection and award have attracted a significant presence of authors from different countries,» as stated by María Dolores Ramos, director of the Atenea collection.

Thus, in the last year the co-edition has been completed, together with Editorial Biblos, which published “Matar a la madre: Infanticides, honor y género en la  Provincia de Buenos Aires (1886-1921),” by Sol Calandria. A text that, in addition, was recognized with the second prize of the XXX Victoria Kent Research Award.

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