The National Library celebrates the 550th anniversary of the printed literature in Spain.

The arrival of the printing press in Spain in 1472 meant a transformation in the university sphere and the spread of knowledge throughout the country.

In 1472 Spain experienced a moment that would change society forever, the arrival at the workshop of Juan Párix de Heidelberg in Segovia, of the first printing press, the place from where the “Synod of  Aguilafuente” was born, the jewel of the exhibition 'Incunabula, with which the National Library of Spain (BNE) celebrates the 550th anniversary of this event.

For the first time in its history, this book, which is considered to be the first to be printed in Spain and which includes the minutes of the synod held in the Segovian town of Aguilafuente, has come out of the Segovia cathedral to shed more light on the history of the printing press: the invention of Johannes Gutenberg that was developed in Germany in 1440, and that arrived 32 years later in that Spanish city at the request of its cardinal.

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