The mysterious case of Virginia Feito, the Spanish writer who triumphs in the US with her first novel

The author from Madrid has been one of the wonders of the year in the US with a first novel written in English that could jump to the cinema: the actress Elisabeth Moss has already bought the rights.

Novels by Spanish writers that reach American bookstores and have a certain impact are quite a rarity, usually reserved for authors with a long and successful career behind them. This is not the case of Virginia Feito. This thirtysomething who was brought up in Madrid, Paris, and New York, has achieved raving reviews and has sold the rights for a film adaptation of her first novel, Mrs. March, which Lumen has published in our country.

«I am overwhelmed by everything that has happened, I did not expect it at all. I fantasized about it since I was little. I have accepted an Oscar many times in my bathroom, but to have such a reception in a market as competitive as that of literature in English, with the quality and quantity of books that are out there, has been quite a rush,” explains the author herself with the quick wit and spontaneity of someone who is still floating in a cloud.

Read more here: EL MUNDO - CULTURA

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