This may be the most widely read Spanish author (and you don't even know her name)

Aside from 'best sellers' and essays, there are other literary worlds. Marta Altés, who managed to distribute 700,000 copies of one of her books, is a good example.

Trivia question:  Which Spanish author got 700,000 English people to end the year 2018 with one of her books on their shelves at home? Think for 10 seconds. Most likely, you have started tracking down the usual suspects, the "best sellers:" Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Arturo Pérez-Reverte (does Reverte sell books in treacherous Albión?), Dolores Redondo… Blue Jeans? Megan Maxwell? Miguel de Cervantes? Is this a trick question?

Cold Cold. The answer is Marta Altés (1982), a thirty-year-old Catalan writer living in London who had the honor of having one of her books, 'Little Monkey' (published in the United Kingdom by Macmillan and in Spain by Blackie Books with the title 'Pequeña en la jungla') selected by the charity Book Trust as their book of 2018. “It was a very strong, incredible feeling,” the author recalls today. “I already knew about the organization, which is dedicated to promoting reading in and out of classrooms, but it seemed very far away. When my editor called me, I couldn't believe it. "

Her books have been translated into 23 languages, such as Hebrew and Korean.

Read more: El Confidencial

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