The Argentinean author has received an award for his novel, Tomorrow We Will Have Other Names. In the ‘80s, Raymond Carver had already made clear in his work, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, ....
that life as a couple, with all its related problems, backstabbing, and he-said/she-saids, could be the intimate reflection of a world that was falling apart. But that was almost four decades ago, and now the rubble is different – or perhaps it’s the same but dressed up differently. In any case, it has once again become a territory to be explored, and that is exactly where Argentinean writer Patricio Pron has gone with his latest novel, Tomorrow We Will Have Other Names. The recently announced winner of the 2019 Alfaguara Prize will receive a cash award of 154,000 euros. The report drawn up by a jury chaired by novelist Juan José Millás, summarized: “It is the fascinating autopsy of a breakup that goes beyond love: it is the sentimental mapping of a neurotic society where relationships are consumer products.” The jury was made up of writers Jorge Fernández Díaz and Manuel Vilas, editor Gunilla Sondell, bookseller Estrella García, and Alfaguara editorial director Pilar Reyes, who gave input but did not cast a vote.
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