His last two poetry collections, Flor en el agua (Flower in the Water) and Después del amor (After Love), published this very year in 2018, ......
are about his professional life and the topics that most concern, interest and move him. Of all this and much more the poetry great Vicente Barberá will speak to us today in this interview.
Q. You started late in poetry, but you’ve now just published two poetry collections this year (2018). How was that?
A. Yes, Flor en el agua with the publishing house Lastura, and Después del amor with Olé Libros. I have a great affection for both of them, and it has been in the works for some time now. They are totally different. The first is inspired by Japanese poetry, and the second is a selection of love poems that I have been composing since 2008. More than one person has said that this is my best collection of poems, although I do not agree.
Q. If I am not mistaken, you are the creator of the collection Vuelta de Tuerca of the Olé Libros publishing house. How did this come to be?
A. The Vuelta de Tuerca collection of the Olé Libros, which is so brilliantly managed by Toni Alcolea, arose as a result of the presentation of a novel by Gonzalo Manglano in El Ateneo.
Over a meal one day, Jaime Siles, Rafael Soler, Ricardo Bellveser and I proposed the possibility of creating an editorial line only for anthologies of prestigious poets. The editor saw it as something interesting, and on June 28th the first copy was presented. The title of the collection was Jaime's idea, and the first anthology published within that collection was El sueño de la funambulista (The Dream of the Tightrope Walker), by Ricardo Bellveser.
Read the entire interview in its original language here: TodoLiteratura