Those responsible for the preparation of the seventh edition of the Historical Novel Contest, and in this case, the organization, has announced the attendance of Jorge Molist at the Contest, ..
this year's Fernando Lara Novel Award winner, who will accompany us in this special occasion that will take place in the month of November. Jorge Molist showed an early vocation for writing, although he developed his professional career in large corporations. During this time, he held various positions at an executive level in Spain, the United States, and several European countries. In 1996 he decided to resume his passion for writing and in 2000, he published “Los muros de Jericó” (The Walls of Jericho), being his first novel. Other works followed, Presagio (Presage) in 2003, “El anillo” (The Ring) in 2004, and “La reina oculta” (The Hidden Queen) in 2007, which won the Alfonso X el Sabio Historical Novel Award. In 2011 he published “Prométeme que serás libre” (Promise Me You’ll Be Free) and “Tiempo de cenizas” (Time of Ashes) in 2013. His works have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2008 he left his management job in multinational corporations to devote himself entirely to literature. He currently resides in Madrid.
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