The Spanish writer competes to win the prize, which awards works translated into English and published in the United Kingdom and will be published on May 21, with Virginie Despentes, Han Kang, László Krasznahorkai, Ahmed Saadawi and Olga Tokarczuk.
The writer and academic of the RAE Antonio Muñoz Molina has been selected as a finalist for the Man Booker International award with his novel "Como la sombra que se va," the organization reported. Muñoz Molina (Úbeda, Jaén, 1956) competes to win the prize, which awards works translated into English and published in the United Kingdom between May 2017 and April this year, with five other authors. The work of the Spanish writer "Like a Fasing Shadow", translated by Camilo A. Ramírez, tells the story of the killer of activist Martin Luther King, James Earl Ray, when he was absconded for ten days in Lisbon trying to get a visa for Angola.
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