The Dual Language Immersion program was something the Alisal Union School District was trying to implement into its schools in the mid-1990s, but the experiment failed after signs showed no progress was being made by students.
The program was built to have classes taught 90 percent in Spanish and 10 percent in English. Then as the student moves on to the first grade, classes are taught 80 percent in Spanish and 20 percent in English until grades fourth through sixth, where the language is split down the middle at 50-50.
Monte Bella Elementary Principal Dr. Roberto Nuñez said the program is working out well since the school started it this year.
“When we were offered the opportunity to bring it to our school I jumped all over it only because I’ve had personal experience with my own child and just how fluent bilingual, biliterate he is,” Nuñez said. “I personally believe in the program.”
Read more: Monterey Herlad Education