He sells millions of books, lives in Los Angeles and collects dragons. At 52, the most read Spanish author in the world, just finished “El cementerio de los libros olvidados” (The Cemetery of the Forgotten Books), fifth novel of the series which has given him worldwide fame.
Last night I dreamt that I returned to the Cemetery of the Forgotten Books . . . The phrase of the Rebecca filmed by Hitchcock could be repeated by the millions of readers who discovered with Carlos Ruiz Zafon a genealogy of accursed writers in a misty and gray Barcelona.
With “El laberinto de los espiritus” (The Laberinth of the Spirits) the writer, established in Los Angeles, concludes the tetralogy that began fifteen years ago with “The Shadow of the Wind. A romantic cycle that "passed from being a getaway to paradise to become a monster that began to devour what was closer ... me," he confesses.
Read full interview: XLSEMANAL