The night of the Nadal Prize has ended up becoming one of the most recent Christmas traditions since it started being held on Three Kings’ Day more than seven decades ago. Once more, the ceremony of the Nadal Prize, ....
the oldest literary award in our country, has been celebrated after the traditional Three Kings’ Day banquet hosted by the Editorial Destino publishing house at the Palace Hotel in Barcelona. And the winner of this 74th edition of this literary award is from the so-called City of Counts itself: the writer Alejandro Palomas (1967), who has won the award for his novel Un amor (“A love”), a book that delves into those small emotions that are the building blocks of our lives, and that returns to the peculiar family that serves as the protagonist of his previous novels. Palomas will receive a cash award of 18,000 euros, and will be privileged to join a list of previous winners that includes authors such as Carmen Laforet, Miguel Delibes, Carmen Martín Gaite, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, and Ana María Matute.
Presented originally to the competition under the title Un país con tu nombre (“A country that has your name”) and signed with the pseudonym Mara Salvador, the award-winning novel is a new immersion in the particular universe that Palomas has been weaving throughout his previous works.
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