In a column published by Publishing Perspectives, editor-in-chief Edward Nawotka asks his readers to cast their vote.
Edward Nawotka, Publishing Perspectives editor-in-chief, writes a piece about the popularity of ebooks among public libraries. “The move toward e-books has been embraced by libraries, who are looking for more and more ways to offer them to their customers,” he says.
“My own hometown library system in Houston offers e-books, but good luck getting one. A recent search for popular titles such as Game of Thrones or Erik Larsson’s In the Garden of Beasts revealed that the library — one that caters to the fourth largest city in the United States — holds just a single digital copy of each,” writes Nawotka. “The waiting lists for these and several other titles ranged from 25 to 99 people (one assumes that is the maximum allowed). Naturally, I clicked over to a e-bookseller and within 60 seconds had what I wanted — for a price.”
Read the complete story and answer the survey here.