Eduardo Canales, EDELSA Grupo Didascalia exports director, talks to America Reads Spanish about the company's catalog, new releases and resources offered to ELE teachers and students.
1. What are the areas in which ELE specializes Edelsa?
EDELSA Grupo Didascalia, S.A. is a publisher specialised in materials for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. We offer a wide range of teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, university and private language schools, covering the following areas:
Course books: Embarque, Tema a Tema, Pasaporte ELE, Nuevo Ven, Eco, Planet@, Dominio,, Chicos Chicas, Colega, La Pandilla, Los Trotamundos.
Grammar and exams: Uso de la gramática, Competencia gramatical en uso, Conjugar verbos de España y Ámérica, Diccionario práctico de la gramática, Gramática comunicativa, Preparación al DELE.
Spanish for Business Purposes: Entorno empresarial, Comunicación eficaz para los negocios.
Civilisation courses: Curso de literatura, España manual de civilización, Imágenes de España, Imágenes de América Latina, Hablar por los codos, Historia del Arte de España e Hispanoamérica.
Graded readers: Grandes personajes de la historia, Un paseo por la historia, Para que leas, Aventuras para 3.
Teacher training: PAP (Programa de Autoformación y Perfeccionamiento del Profesorado), CID (colección de Investigación Didáctica).
Multimedia: Practica la conjugación y la gramática. Content for Interactive Whiteboards (PDI) and PCs, online materials ...
Supplementary Material: Conversar es fácil, Tú y Yo, Carpeta de Recursos para el aula, Uso interactivo de vocabulario.
2. Which titles or collections in your catalogue are best adapted to the needs of the U.S market?
All of our materials follow the reference levels for the Spanish curriculum as laid out by the Cervantes Institute and are also in line with international evaluation criteria, adapted to each market and country.
3. What new titles or projects does EDELSA offer?
At Edelsa we continuously adapt to the evolving needs of ELE teachers and students, creating every type of didactic material necessary for successful teaching and learning, including digital materials for laptops and interactive whiteboards. You can find these materials as complete courses, supplementary material, and material for specific purposes such as interactive games and activities to support and practice grammar. Both teachers and students will benefit from our extensive range of online downloadable materials.
4. What online support or resources does EDELSA provide for ELE teachers in the United States?
All of our materials have accompanying digital components for both teachers and students. They are downloadable for free via our homepage
In the Student's Zone, learners will find plenty of resources to support our courses and materials: complementary activities, audio with accompanying transcriptions, exams and practice activities, web quests, blogs, portfolios, etc.
Teachers will find resources related to our courses and materials in The Staffroom: exams with answer keys, exploitation activities to accompany textbooks, exploitation activities for our graded books, pedagogical guides, complementary activities, flashcards, stories, audios with accompanying transcripts, grammar PowerPoints, practice exercises of every type, web quests, blogs etc.
What's more, we also provide both a blog and a monthly newsletter, helping teachers stay informed and up-to-date with the ELE world along with a selection of valuable information and resources.
Finally, we would like to highlight that our Edelsa catalogue – complete with all new titles and features for 2012 - is available in various formats (online, flash and PDF).
The catalogue can be downloaded in PDF form here.