How to Fix a Wet Book by Roberto Aliaga Sánchez (Ciudad Real, 1976), and Always Will Be December, by Fatima Embark Ali (Gran Canaria, 1985) and María Mercedes Murillo García (Barcelona, 1989), are works awarded in the 39th Edition of the SM Awards The Steam Boat and Wide Angle, convened annually by the SM Foundation.
The decision of the jury took place last December and the winning works that have been released today at a press conference will go on sale tomorrow, April 19, both in paper and in digital edition. Queen Letizia will deliver the awards tonight in an event that will take place at the Royal Post Office. The event can be followed live from 19.30 hours through the SM website and through Facebook Live SM profile. Read more.
“Cómo arreglar un libro mojado (How To Fix a Wet Book) by Roberto Aliaga Sánchez and Siempre será diciembre (It Will Always Be December) by Fátima Embark Alí and María Mercedes Murillo García, SM Prizes 2017.
Awarded 35,000 euros, Cómo arreglar un libro mojado (How to Fix a Wet Book) is aimed towards readers between 8 and 11 years old and is the winner of the Barco de Vapor Prize. The book tackles the subject of abuse through the story of Víctor and his attempt to fix a book which he accidentally pees on in the park. The story is handled with humour and avoids melodrama. (…)
Siempre será diciembre (It Will Always Be December) has won the SM Gran Angular Prize 2017 for YA literature. (…) Aimed at readers from 14 years old upwards, the book is narrated by two voices in alternate chapters and presents two contrasting points of view on the death of Sam Flynn, one from his best friend Jayden Waller and the other from his twin sister Samantha Flynn. Sam, the dead boy, is the real protagonist of the story. Everything revolves around him, who he was and how he behaved.” From The Spanish Bookstage
Read more: El Periódico