Read or what?” Is the forceful phrase of Eduardo Mendoza written in the wonderful poster that Javier Sáez Castán, National Award for Illustration 2016, has made for the Day of the Book 2017 inspired by the work No news of Gurb, of the last Cervantes Prize. We have turned around the phrase "read or what?" ...
and transformed it into "why read ..." a phrase that contains multiple "readings", like the act of reading itself, and which becomes the thread of the Campaign that, starting tomorrow, April 13, we will launch in the account of the social network Twitter of the Book and Reading Observatory (@observalibro), joining the celebration of the Day of the Book 2017.
The initiative 'Why read ...' wants to show and demonstrate, through 7 sentences, each accompanied by a photograph made by Óscar Liaño Alvarez, some of the many and varied reasons why reading is an essential activity in our lives . Because reading ... makes you travel without leaving home; Because reading ... is like a highly contagious virus; Because reading .... Gives you the energy and strength to move forward; Because reading ... makes you dream or lose sleep; Because reading ... Few things provide more than opening a book and letting ourselves be led by reading.
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