The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), with the support of Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE), is organizing the Spanish exhibit in the upcoming Book Expo America 2012, June 4th -7th in New York. The latest edition of the “Essential Guide to Spanish Reading” will be presented at the fair, on June 6th.
More than 20 publishers will be representing Spain in the Book Expo America 2012, June 4 -7 in New York's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), with the support of Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE), is organizing the group that will occupy Booth 3257 at the event.
Among the participants are: Libros Urgentes, AKAL, Almadraba, Anaya Grupo, Blume, Cálamo & Cran, Combel, Cuento de Luz, Edelvives, Gemser Publications, Genera Mobile Solutions, Hispania Libros / Ciudad Argentina, Instituto Cervantes NY, Interactiva, IVEX, Algar, Dharma, El Nadir Tres, LID Editorial Empresarial, Nowtilus, Verbo Divino, and Videocinco.
The new edition of America Reads Spanish's “Essential Guide to Spanish Reading” will be presented during the fair, on June 6th, by Mario Buisán, Trade Commissioner of Spain in Miami. The Guide contains more than 600 Spanish titles, and its goal is to promote Spanish literature in American libraries, schools and bookstores.
“After the success of the first edition of this Guide, of which we are deeply proud, we continued working on this project, culminating in the presentation of this new edition, with 640 titles, including a more extensive section for children and young adults.”, says Ma. Coriseo González-Izquierdo, Consejera Delegada, ICEX.
The bibliography in the Guide is divided into five major sections: Literature and Fiction, Poetry and Drama, Non Fiction, Reference Works, and Children and Young Adult Literature. In each section, the works are listed alphabetically by title. Each reference includes the title in Spanish, a brief note about the work, along with the name and information of the author of the overview.
“We hope that the selection of over six hundred basic titles in this new edition will animate youngsters of all ages to join the book reading world, key for any society committed to the youth-book binomial, and essential for achieving greater levels of liberty and culture,” says Antoni Comas, of the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds. “Reading and books will ensure that the many new immigrants to the United States have a bridge between liberty and culture, a goal proven very difficult to reach by other means.”
America Reads Spanish's “Essential Guide to Spanish Reading” is supported by ICEX, CEDRO, FGEE and the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation.
For more information on Bookexpo America click here. For more information about America Reads Spanish, click here.