Spanish Publisher Páginas de Espuma Presents "La vuelta al día", a book by Hipólito G. Navarro

The master of the short story, was hiding, terrified, paralysed by a story from the past: the slow death of an alcoholic father, who has been defeated by life.

For a long time his sense of humour and literature were the only things to keep him afloat and free of pain. At least so it seemed. Finally he has resurfaced. Hipólito G. Navarro returns after eleven years with a revealing short story collection La vuelta al día (Around the Day, Páginas de espuma). This volume was slow-cooked – for eleven long years – and features stories about happiness but also the bitter depths of memory, with touches of humour and autobiographical pain.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

Read more here - El País (Eva Díaz Pérez)

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