“Although it wouldn’t appear to be anything more than a coincidence, the naming of Barcelona as a literary capital by UNESCO will also see the city dominate the headlines in Spanish-language literature in the new year.
Writers from several different generations will be publishing new books, beginning with the patriarch, Luis Goytisolo (1935), who will present Coincidencias (Coincidences) on 11 January. The next month, on Valentine’s Day, Enrique Vila-Matas (1948) will launch his new, meta-literary, novel, Mac y su contratiempo. Before that, the winner of the Premio Nadal, Sergio Vila-Sanjuán (1957), will be introducing us to a new character, an investigative journalist named Víctor Balmoral (El informe Casabona). Big names from the generation born in the 60s will also be making an appearance: Javier Cercas (1962) will return to the Civil War (El monarca de las sombras); while Ignacio Martínez de Pisón (1960) has opted for the transition (Derecho natural). Four Barcelona based writers from the seventies, Álvaro Colomer (1973), Gabi Martínez (1971) (Las defensas), Gonzalo Torné (1976) (Años felices) and Sergi Puertas (1971) will all be publishing books as well. Among the Latin American countries, Argentina is best represented, with new books forthcoming from Rodrigo Fresán – another Barcelona resident – Betina González (América alucinada) and Pedro Mairal (La uruguaya).”
Translation by The Spanish Bookstage
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