Miguel Alberó Wins The 21st "Vargas Llosa" Priza for Best Novel (Spain)

The ambassador of Spain in Honduras wins Vargas Llosa Prize to the best novel. The ambassador of Spain in Honduras, Miguel Albero, won the 21st edition of the Vargas Llosa Novel Prize, .....

sponsored by the Caja Mediterráneo Foundation, the University of Murcia and the Vargas Llosa Chair of the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library Foundation.

El diplomat told Efe today in Tegucigalpa that he received the award for his novel "Mal" (“Evil”), which he defined as “a reflection on evil.”

The book is also a reflection “on the idea of how certain terrible things affect us and other do not, on why he react before certain things and look the other way before others, on the very nature of evil,” Albero added.

"There is a plot, of course, that takes place in Spain in the present day. A veteran reporter, who has been forced into early retirement, is vacationing with his family, and he has to live through a terrible incident that he (obsessed with evil) attributes to the intervention of evil,” said the ambassador. At the same time, the reporter is told to write a story about the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco, a story that intermingles with the things happening during his vacation on Menorca.

"So far, everything I had written was permeated by humor in some way or another. But in this case, maybe because of the subject matter, humor is not present, or at least not throughout the whole book,” explained the Spanish diplomat.

Read more here - Lápiz Andante

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