Winner of the José Bergamín Prize.

Ricardo de la Fuente receives the award for books of aphorisms.
The writer Ricardo de la Fuente has received for his book En pocas palabras palabras [“In Short”] the José Bergamín International Aphorism Prize, .........

sponsored by the publishing house Cuadernos del Vigía, which has reached this year its fourth iteration. Until the inception of the Rafael Pérez Estrada Price —sponsored by the foundation created to honor the poet, a native of Malaga, and that sets limits to the number of texts and their subject, unlike the José Bergamín — this was the only award given in Spain for works of this genre. The book that received the prize will be published in the aphorism collection of Cuadernos del Vigía. The award does not include a cash prize. The member of the jury of the Fourth José Bergamín International Aphorism Prize were  Carmen Canet, Jordi Doce and Erika Martínez, all of which unanimously chose Ricardo de la Fuente’s book as the winner. En pocas palabras — submitted by its author under the nom de plume A. Marcas— was victorious over the other forty texts submitted, from “very diverse” sources, according sources from the publishing house. The works submitted to the award were sent from various Spanish provinces, as well as from several countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico.

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