Literary magazine Estandarte recommends the 12 best books of 2016.

Twelve very diverse titles for twelve months of good reads. Here in Estandarte we wanted to reflect on what we have read during these last twelve months, and to share with you those which – in our opinion – are the best books of the year 2016.

And we have done that following the criteria to which we have stayed faithful, selection after selecion: we are bored by those lists that make the term “book” a synonym for the novel genre, thus omitting everything else. In this way, you will find in our list of best books of the year 2016 comics, short stories, essays, novels, poetry and theater plays. Also, you will find here authors from Spain as well as from abroad, young authors as well as established ones, men as well as women, books from big publishing houses as well as diminutive ones. In a nutshell, we believe in diversity, and our list has been born of this belief. And of course our list is a subjective and an unfair one, because we have not read it all… and because –we do not like it all, either! The following are the best books of the year 2016 according to Estandarte.

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