Ediciones Siruela Presents "Cada noche, cada noche" a new novel by Spanish author Lola López Mondéjar

The story in question regards a strange discovery by Dolores Schiller, a young woman from the deep south of the United States who comes across the diaries of her mother,.....

December 14th, 2016

“It is very likely that this ambitious novel by Lola López Mondéjar won’t be featured on lists of the best books of the year. But it should be. Above all because it is a text that looks to squeeze everything it can out of the novel, one that can be read in many different ways without ever forgetting that it’s telling us a story.

The story in question regards a strange discovery by Dolores Schiller, a young woman from the deep south of the United States who comes across the diaries of her mother, who died in childbirth: it turns out that she was no other than Dolores Haze, Nabokov’s Lolita, a real person.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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