Javier Cercas, European Book Prize 2016 for ‘El impostor’

December 9th, 2016. Javier Cercas has received the European Book Prize 2016, in the category of novel, for ‘El impostor’.

The European Book Prize (Le Prix du Livre Européen) is a European Union literary award established in 2007, organized by the association Esprit d’Europe in Paris. It promotes European values, and contributes to European citizens’ better understanding of the European Union as a cultural entity.

The jury, is made up of journalists, the Brussels correspondents of some of the greatest European media (El País, La Repubblica, Libération, Le Soir, Le Monde, Gazeta Wyborcza, France Inter, etc.). This 10th edition, the jury has been presided by the American film director Oliver Stone. The other finalist novels for the award were Oorlog en Terpentjin by Stefan Hertmans, Il più e il meno by Erri De Luca and Spada by Bogdan Teodorescu.

Amongst the winners of the previous editions there are Eduardo Mendoza, Pascal Hughes, Maxim Leo, Sofi Oksanen, Rolf Bauerdick and Marius Szczygiel. The European Book Prize will be given on Wednesday, December 7th 2016 in Brussels, at the European Parliament, presided by Martin Schulz.

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

Original story here 

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