International Notes: Amazon Awards Spanish-Language Fiction

Amazon KDP names a new recipient of its Spanish-language award.Ningún Escocés Verdadero by Ana Ballabriga and David Zaplana is the winner of Amazon’s third Indie Literary Prize for Spanish-language books.

”The book will be published in Spanish by Amazon Publishing, and translated into English and published by AmazonCrossing in digital, print and audio formats.

Amazon says that the competition drew entries from more tan 1,400 authors from 39 countries. In order to enter the competition, authors uploaded their titles to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Top countries represented by entries in this year’s contest were Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, USA, and Argentina. The books were sold to customers in 71 countries. To be eligible for the contest, the stories had to be original, unpublished works written in Spanish, and exclusive to Kindle through enrollment in KDP Select. After choosing five finalists, submissions were carefully reviewed by a panel of judges to determine the winning title.

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