Wingate students count uno, dos, tres

Students at Wingate Elementary School are more talkative than ever, according to Principal Carol Wethington, though the reason why is not what you would expect.

The elementary school started an independently funded Spanish language class this year, so if students are constantly introducing themselves, counting to 10, and talking about what day of the week it is, it’s because they’re really excited to do it in Spanish.

“It has been more successful than I dreamed it would be. The kids are really responding and they just love it,” Wethington said. “What speaks to me the loudest is the fact that you hear them in the hallways. When I observe them in class, they’re engaged and paying attention, and you can feel the excitement.”

Spanish teacher Christina Ulrich-Mayer, who has taught Spanish for 12 years, bases her curriculum on conversational Spanish.

By Katie Langford, Education reporter

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