LIBER 2016

Latin American publishers ask for a book without borders. The 'Barcelona Declaration', brings together 21 countries and calls for the free flow of ideas and the elimination of tariffs that slow the turnover between 5 and 10%.

The book cannot have obstacles. Of any kind, or tariff, or customs, or tax, or administrative. And that, in addition to the commercial transcript involved, it is the best way to ensure the free circulation of ideas and freedom of expression. That is the philosophy of the already christened Declaration of Barcelona, which the Latin American Publishers Group (GIE), launched on Wednesday and assembles all book chambers and associations of publishers from 21 countries (including Portugal and Brazil) and tries to bring this declaration to the next summit of heads of State and Government of the Organization of American States. The date (October 12, Columbus Day) and stage, the International Book Fair, Liber, held until Friday in the Catalan capital, framing the statement, could not be more symbolic. La Lectora futura 

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