. Ramón Buenaventura has been awarded the National Award for the Work of a Translator corresponding to 2016, and Luis Baraiazarra with the National Award for Best Translation
Translation corresponding to 2016 for his translation of Idazlan Guztiak Santa Teresa Jesusena (Complete Works of St. Teresa of Jesus). The awards are granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and each is endowed with 20,000 euros. This National Award aims to distinguish the work done by a Spanish translator, whatever the language used in the development of its work, and has devoted special attention to the translation of foreign works into any language of the Spanish State.
The jury has chosen Ramon Buenaventura for "being one of the most important in translation from English and French into Castilian; with a long track record spanning classical and contemporary works and various authors such as Rimbaud, Sylvia Plath, Anthony Burgess, Scott Fitzgerald. Philip Roth and Jonathan Franzen".
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