Josep Franco, Rubén Luzón and Joan García del Muro, winners of the Premis Octubre

“The philosopher Joan García del Muro (Lleida, 1961) has won the Octubre Prize for non-fiction with Soldats del no-res (Soldiers of Nowhere), a book that analyzes what is going through the heads of the young Europeans who join the Islamic State.

The novel La vida és dura (Life is Tough) by Josep Franco (Suèca, Valencia, 1955) was chosen from among 50 manuscripts. It provides an overview of contemporary society, following the path of a successful painter who ends up doing charitable work in Colombia. Also a teacher, linguist and translator, this is Franco’s second Octubre prize for fiction, worth 10,000 euros, the previous winner being Calidoscopi (Kaleidoscopes) in 1983.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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