Josep Maria Esquirol wins the National Award for the Best Essay

Editorial Acantilado is thrilled to announce that Josep Maria Esquirol has just been awarded with this year’s National Award for Best Essay for Intimate Resistance. Essay on a Proximity of Philosophy.

This prestigious prize was awarded in previous editions to well-known thinkers such as Fernando Savater, José Luis Aranguren, Martín de Riquer, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio or Claudio Guillén.

The jury has said: “A good example of high-style literature suitable to any kind of reader” 

“Meditate, in a direct and personal way about one’s own life, helping to live it with greater clarity and self-awareness.”

Josep Maria Esquirol (Alt Penedès, 1963) is a lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, where he heads the research group Aporia. He has written numerous studies and gives seminars on contemporary philosophy at universities in several countries.

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage

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