Jaume Clotet wins the Luján Award for the Historical Novel for El càtar proscrit (The Forbidden Cathar)

“The journalist and writer Jaume Clotet has won the 20th Nèstor Luján Award for the Historical Novel with El càtar proscrit (The Forbidden Cathar), which follows its protagonist Jaspert de Barberà, a Western Cathar, during the period in which the Aragonese throne turned its attention south to the Mediterranean.

The jury for the prize, organized by Editorial Columna for original manuscripts in Catalan and worth 6000 euros, was made up of Tina Luján, Maria Carme Roca, Jaume Sobrequés, Vicent Sanchís and Glòria Gasch, who decided upon Clotet’s novel in a ‘unanimous verdict’.”

Jaume Clotet i Planas (Barcelona, 1974) holds a degree in Journalism from the UAB and in History from the UB. He has worked and collaborated in many media outlets («Avui», «El Punt», «Ara», «Público», «El Singular Digital», ABC, COMRàdio, Ona Catalana, TV3 and RAC1) and was correspondent to the Basque Country from 2001 and 2003. He has also served as Press Director for the Catalan Secretariat-General of Public Administrations and Assistant Director of the Catalan News Agency (ACN). He is co-author de Les millors obres de la literatura catalana (comentades pel censor) (2010).

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage

Rights handled by Grupo Planeta. 

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