With its issue 30, Texturas celebrates the first decade of its life

In this issue we have, among other people, Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, Antonio Basanta, Ricardo Nudelman, Margarita Valencia, Juan Domingo Argüelles, Xabier P Docampo, Julieta Lionetti, and Bernat Ruiz Domènech.

This is a moment of celebration for us. The fact that a magazine dedicated to reflection and culture has reached in these times –these hard, tempestuous, contradictory, exciting times – the milestone of ten years of uninterrupted publication is not necessarily something unheard of in our country, but it is definitely a rare occurrence. If, besides, that magazine defines itself a cultural publication devoted essentially to the world of publishing and the book – an underworld in itself – we are forced to remember the words written by Joaquín Rodríguez in regard to this anniversary of Textures: "To publish a magazine like this one... one does [not only] need to be oblivious to fear ... one also needs to be foolhardy to the point of madness. "

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