Quema (It Burns) by Ariadna Castellarnau wins the 6th Las Américas Fiction Prize

“The award honours the best work of the previous year. It was awarded this Thursday at the Puerto Rico Festival de la Palabra, which featured 80 writers.

The Festival de la Palabra in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which this year pays homage to the 500th anniversary of the publication of Utopia by Thomas Moore, began this Thursday with the award ceremony for the 6th Las Américas Prize for Latin American Fiction for the novel. The winner was Quema (It Burns, Gog & Magog), Ariadna Castellarnau’s literary début. (…)

Castellarnau (Lleida, 1979) is a Spanish journalist and writer living in Argentina whose winning work is set in a post-apocalyptic world. The jury hailed the book for its “literature of pure imagination that forces us to rethink our assumptions about family, love and solidarity. Quema stands out for its unsettling look at contemporary society.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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