The 65th edition of the Planeta Prize shatters previous participation records

Ten novels from among 522 initial entries seek to win next Saturday’s prize, worth 601.000 Euros.

Only one will win, although at the moment there are ten final contenders, among which are El marido de la gitanilla (The Gypsy Girl’s Husband), Tinta corrida (Running Ink), and Nada impide (Nothing in the Way). The winner of the LXV edition of the Planeta Prize for the Novel will be named on October 15th in Barcelona in a ceremony presided by their Royal Highnesses Felipe VI and Letizia. According to Planeta’s press release this Monday, the secretary of the jury panel has announced the list of the ten finalist novels for this year’s prize, chosen from among 522 entrants. This is the largest number of manuscripts ever presented for the prize.

Read more here - ABC Cultura

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