Liber Fair opens with a light at the end of the tunnel

The international book fair reinforces its professional character, welcomes Amazon and hopes for sales of more than 100 million Euros.

In line with the theory, at the philosophical level, that the crisis is an unassailable reality, and therefore should of necessity be viewed as a real change because nothing will return to the status quo ante, and at the practical level, with numbers in hand, that business is slowly passing from “a certain recovery to certain recovery” (there are indications that, as of July 30, 2016, sales may have increased between 3% and 4% for the current year). Between those two coordinates, the publishing sector tomorrow inaugurates the 34th edition of Liber, the International Book Fair, on the premises of Fira Barcelona on the Gran Vía. This will be another important business barometer as fully one third of sales for the vital exports of Spanish books are made at the fair, which constitutes a volume of business that may reach 100 million Euros in barely three days.

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